Wedding Planner Roma

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Atto Notorio


Atto Notorio is only required for US and Australian Citizens.

An Atto Notorio (Sworn Affidavit) is an affidavit to be done prior the wedding in an Italian Consulatesin Australia or in the US.

In order to get your Atto Notorio you must do a declaration relative to the civil status in front of the Italian Consulate with two witnesses (provided by you) and book an appointment with the nearest Italian Consulate to where you live.

You can also opt to do your Atto Notorio in Italy. We will be happy to book an appointment for you.

In case you would opt to do your Atto Notorio in Italy we will also provide you the witnesses and we will handle all legalities, appointments and interpreter.

In order to get your Atto Notorio you should be able to provide the following documents:

  • Passport
  • Birth certificate (it has to be translated into Italian and apostilled)
  • Divorce decree or death certificate (If previously divorced/widowed) they also have to be translated and apostilled.
  • Italian translations of all of the above

Please note that at the top of the page of the Atto Notorio the detail ” Repubblica Italiana” and “Consolato Generale D’Italia” are specifically written, otherwise the Atto Notorio is not valid.

Translations have to be authenticated by the Italian Consulate.

Con chi ti piacerebbe parlare dei tuoi sogni?

Anna Maria Nardi

Anna Maria – Contatti
ci piacerebbe conoscerti meglio

    I campi contrassegnati con un * sono obbligatori

    Nathalie Orlandi

    Nathalie – Contatti
    Luca Bertollo

    Luca – Contatti